
No departures available for selected date.

Please, select other date or contact us on 01852 300003.

If we do not have availability at your required time please call us on 01852 300003 - we may have additional sailing times not shown on here.

We are happy to carry anyone who is 4 or older at any time we consider it safe to operate. On rough days we sometimes raise the age limit on the grounds of safety. Experience has shown this to be a sensible consideration.

Our age limit for Whirlpool Specials is 8 years old.

Under 4's are carried at the skipper's discretion depending on weather and sea conditions. On a flat, calm, sunny day the youngsters enjoy the whole wildlife experience. If your children are towards the lower age limit please call us on 01852 300003 for clarification.

Once your payment has been processed you should receive 2 emails, a booking confirmation and a payment confirmation - if you do not receive 2 emails please contact us on 01852 300003.

Customer type Passengers Price Total


0 125.00 0.00


0 98.00 0.00
Customer group Tickets Price Total

Family of 3 (2A 1Ch)

0 322.00 0.00

Family of 4 (2A 2Ch)

0 399.00 0.00

Family of 5 (2A 3Ch)

0 478.00 0.00

Family of 5 Additional Child

0 78.00 0.00